Curse of the Deadwood

Created by Steamroller Studios, this was my first job as a Level Designer! During the project, we faced many challenges as an indie studio during the Covid-19 pandemic; however, we conquered them and were able to ship the company’s first game on Steam!

About the Game

First starting as Deadwood: The Forgotten Curse on Kickstarter, the game went through many changes to find its true form as a top down tank control style action game. The players control Lathe and Roguard on their quest to stop the zombie-like army controlled by the Deadwood Curse.


This was my first time being responsible for levels that would ship to product in a real video game! In total, I worked on 4 of the 8 levels in the game. It taught me a lot about pacing and storytelling, as well as designing difficulty progression curves, to both challenge and support the player on their journey through our game.


Storm Runners


Bloodmyst Isle